We provide full regulatory support to firms acquiring, consolidating or listing financial services businesses.
Our clients include some of the best known global private equity managers and the most prolific wealth management consolidators. We are happy to work independently or as part of a team of advisers.
We help firms with regulatory challenges throughout the M&A lifecycle
From determining the regulatory health of a target firm, through the regulatory due diligence process, to helping integrate multiple propositions and platforms, we have experts who can help you make your mergers and acquisitions successful.
Pre-transaction due diligence
We provide risk based, commercially focused, regulatory due diligence reports for private equity managers and consolidators across the globe.
We can carry out an in-depth look at a target firm’s compliance systems and controls against regulatory standards. We’ve been conducting regulatory due diligence for many years and, as compliance specialists, we understand exactly what the risks are in each sector. We don’t just look at whether the firm has compliance issues at the time of the deal, we know what the regulatory trends are and what the emerging risks will be.
Back book remediation
An integration process can unearth historic problems with the products or services of a target firm. Whether there are issues with anti-money laundering documentation, suitability records or questions on sales practices, we can help. Our team is used to investigations and remediation projects of all sizes.
Prudential consolidation
Where one regulated firm is acquiring or merging with another, the impact on capital and liquidity requirements can be significant. Our prudential experts can advise on consolidation groups and the effect of merging firms with different prudential rules. We can carry out in-depth work on governance documents including ICAAPs, ILAAPs, ICARAs and wind down plans to ensure you stay compliant.
Target operating model design
Mergers and acquisitions necessitate the integration of two (or more) different operating environments, often with the aim of achieving cost savings and efficiencies. We can design the new operating environment across compliance, technology, governance, front office and operations to ensure the combined business is placed on a sound, compliant footing.
Change in control
Almost all M&A transactions involving financial services firms in the UK will require a change in control to be completed. If necessary, we can also help you through the authorisations and variation of permission process.
Integration support
We can help you build and implement a detailed integration plan from the commercial strategy laid out during the acquisition process, while making sure your compliance systems and controls meet regulatory expectations and are sustainable – and scalable – as you continue to grow your new business.
Compliance systems and controls integration
When two firms are brought together, there can often be a mismatch with compliance integration. We can align your systems and controls to optimise your commercial integration strategy.
Updating policies and procedures
While updating your policies and procedures is a necessary step in the M&A process, merging your compliance systems and controls should be treated as an opportunity to review and refresh your existing policies. We have extensive experience of drafting and reviewing policy documents – we can help you take a pragmatic approach to meeting current regulatory standards.
Culture and governance
Focusing on your firm’s Culture and Governance should be at the top of your post-merger to do list. We can use our regulatory expertise to review your governance structure and framework, helping you embed the right culture into your firm, setting the tone from the top.
Systems and reporting
Compliance functions are using increasingly complex systems to deal with multiple reporting requirements. We’re familiar with technology used across the industry so can help you clarify what will help you meet regulatory standards while being cost effective.
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