Bovill: Financial services regulatory consultants


The broker-dealer regulatory landscape is constantly changing, with complex and nuanced rules and regulations impacting how broker-dealers operate. With regulation relating to anti money laundering and the treatment of cryptocurrency and digital securities yet to take shape, broker-dealers are challenged to stay abreast of, and often anticipate industry developments.

Our team understand that managing multiple, complex risks is part of daily life for broker-dealers. As one-size rarely fits all, our experts design, deploy and manage tailored risk-based compliance frameworks for global firms, while supporting across a variety of areas including:

  • Supporting broker-dealers with their formation; FINRA New Member Application registrations and existing FINRA Member Continuing Membership Applications.  Additionally, we can assist firms with their FINRA Capital Acquisition Broker registration process.
  • Performing annual supervisory controls testing, to meet FINRA member’s annual 3110, 3120, and 3130 requirements.
  • Conducting annual AML controls testing, to meet FINRA member’s annual 3310 requirements and AML requirements set out in the Bank Secrecy Act.
  • Performing mock FINRA and SEC audits, to prepare your firm for an actual exam and reviewing previous examination reports issued to implement remediation processes as required, in preparation for subsequent follow up examinations.
  • We also partner with broker-dealers during SEC or FINRA examinations, guiding firms through the examination process and assisting with queries and responses required by the regulator.

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